Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Debattenreeks over actuele feministische kwesties in voorjaar 2013

In het voorjaar van 2013 organiseert het VOK samen met het cultuurhuis deBuren een debattenreeks 'who's afraid of the F-word' over actuele feminstische kwesties.  



Voor meer informatie en reserveren:


27.02.2013 | Mannelijke voorvechters
20.03.2013 | 
Seksualisering van de samenleving
30.04.2013 | 
Mannen van Mars, Vrouwen van Venus?




Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Embodied Identities at Work - International Workshop


Stockholm University School of Business, Stockholm, Sweden

6 May and 7-8 May 2013


Join us to critically interrogate the politics of embodiment, emotion and identity in contemporary work, organizations and markets! Although the increasing tolerance for sexual, cultural and ethnic diversity in organizational life might lead us to assume that embodied identities have ceased to matter, they continue to constitute sites of oppression, exploitation and discrimination as well as media of power, resistance and lived experience. From stratified statistics on labour markets and corporate board representation (e.g. Equality & Human Rights Commission 2008; GMI Ratings 2012; International Trade Union Confederation 2012; Statistics Sweden 2012), it is obvious that gender and ethnicity inter alia continue to constitute sources of disadvantage and privilege. But whereas several studies have been significant in construing employee identity as a general object of regulation and exploitation (e.g. Alvesson & Willmott 2002; Marks & Thompson 2010) or as a common subject of coping and resistance (e.g. Fleming & Sewell 2002), less attention has been given to the various ways in which particular embodied identities are embedded in organizational politics. Building on the vibrant yet still marginalized work conducted in this area (e.g. Linstead & Pullen 2006; Tyler & Cohen 2010), this workshop therefore attempts to:

·         explore how a diversity of identities in work, organizations and markets are felt and embodied, experienced and expressed

·         examine the limits of embodied identity expression at work and how such limits are produced and maintained, challenged and subverted

·         interrogate the economic logic and labour process which surrounds embodied identities under contemporary capitalism

Confirmed speakers and commentators include:

Dr Kate Kenny (National University of Ireland), Prof. David Knights (Stockholm University School of Business and Swansea University), Dr Robert McMurray (University of Durham), Prof. Alison Pullen (Swansea University) , Prof. Carl Rhodes (Leicester University), Dr Natasha Slutskaya (Brunel University), Dr Kate Sullivan (Lund University), Prof. Melissa Tyler (University of Essex) and Prof. Ali Yakhlef (Stockholm University).

Group sessions:
During the workshop there will also be two interactive group sessions to boost participants’ opportunity to explore joint interests and areas for further research and to discuss the methodological, empirical and theoretical challenges of studying embodied identities at work.


Venue: Stockholm University (Kräftriket campus), Stockholm.

Dates: Tuesday May 7th (9am till late) and Wednesday May 8th (9am-5pm).

The workshop is free of charge if attending. A no-show or cancellation after the registration deadline will be charged with SEK 1,000. Substitutes are welcome.

Registration deadline: February 28th. For registration or any other practical issues please contact Janet Johansson on or Markus Walz on The number of participants is limited.

Doctoral workshop:
The ordinary workshop is preceded by a one-day doctoral workshop on Monday May 6th, chaired by Prof. David Knights and Prof. Torkild Thanem. The doctoral workshop is particularly designed for PhD students in their 2nd and 3rd year. Participants are expected to stay for all three days and the number of participants is limited. Submit a 250 words synopsis of your doctoral project when applying.

Organizing committee:
Torkild Thanem, Janet Johansson and Markus Walz, Stockholm University School of Business.


Friday, 7 December 2012

Lunchseminarie "Diversity policies of Belgian multinationals" door prof. dr. Joyce Koeman (KUL)

“Diversity policies of Belgian multinationals: an assessment of intercultural communication competences within organizations”

Door prof. dr. Joyce Koeman
Instituut voor Media Studies - Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen - KU Leuven

A brief preliminary research proposal will be presented on “Diversity policies of Belgian multinationals: an assessment of intercultural communication competences within organizations”. The occurrence and need for various aspects of intercultural communicative competences (knowledge, motivations and skills) in Belgian multinationals will be explored within the larger framework of diversity policies. The project aims to describe intercultural interactions on the work floor and relate these to the larger organizational culture, such as support for specific diversity policies (diversity versus inclusion) and the cultural competences of both managers and employees. In addition, the impact of intercultural communicative competences on affective commitment to the organization (e.g., perceived support, loyalty and identification) is examined. A multi-method approach of interviews and an online survey is proposed to find out how managers and employees experience intercultural contacts at work and what opportunities and pitfalls they attribute to cultural diversity in organizations. Empirical research will lead to recommendations regarding (creating support for) diversity management, such as training initiatives on cultural competences and intercultural communication. The floor is open for discussion and all questions, suggestions and other kinds of feedback regarding theory and/or methodology are welcome to further shape this project.

Na afloop van het seminarie wordt u een broodjeslunch aangeboden.

Deelname is gratis, inschrijven via email is verplicht:

18 dec 2012 12.00u - 13.30u

UHasselt, campus diepenbeek , Lokaal C105

Contactpersoon UHasselt:



Join over 800 delegates at one of the largest international meetings of multi-disciplinary management thinkers.


Submission Dates: 15th Jan - 26th of Feb 2013

The official call for papers has now been released, and we will welcome papers that consider the wider implications of management. Find out more at:


Theme: Managing to Make a Difference
Location: Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool
When: 10th - 12th September 2013
More info:

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Special Eurobarometer 393: DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2012

This survey looks into attitudes and perceptions of Europeans towards discrimination, based on different grounds (gender, ethnic origin, religion or beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity). As the last Eurobarometer on this topic, from 2009, this survey also includes several questions on the impact of the crisis on the implementation of anti-discrimination policies and efforts. New questions have been added to cover important or emerging topics, such as the situation of the Roma in Europe, discrimination outside the workplace or the links between discrimination and accessibility. Perceptions on discrimination against transsexual and transgender persons are also explored for the first time.