Friday, 4 January 2013

The Politics of Meaning-making / Meaning-breaking: The 8th Annual Liverpool Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, 28th – 30th August 2013

The Annual Liverpool Symposium on Current Developments in Ethnographic Research in the Social and Management Sciences is a leading international forum for debate and dialogue on the theory, practice and form of ethnographic work in the social and management fields. Having travelled within the UK so far, the symposium now makes a symbolic move towards Europe’s mainland, confirming its ambitions to build a distinctly international community of ethnographic researchers. The 8th Symposium will be hosted by the department of Organization Sciences at VU University Amsterdam, where ethnography has firmly established itself as a methodology for organizational research and, more generally, as an analytical orientation towards meaning and meaning-making processes. The title of this year’s symposium hence is The Politics of Meaning-making/ Meaning-breaking.


For more info see

UNTOLD STORIES? A storytelling conference, 13th - 14th June 2013, Lincoln Business School, University of Lincoln, UK


Keynote speakers:

Professor Yiannis Gabriel, University of Bath

Professor David Sims, Cass Business School

Organizational life is imbued with story and story telling. What counts as a story is a matter of debate ranging from terse, polysemic and multi-authored postmodern ante-narratives (Boje, 1991, 1995), through emplotted, emotion-generating narratives endowed with relatively stable meaning (Gabriel, 2000), to approaching a particular scientific paradigm as a sort of a story (Czarniawska, 1995). Theoretical and empirical developments suggests that organizational stories fulfil a range of functions such as: mapping the territory of organizational sensemaking (Wilkins, 1984); expressing deeply embedded organizational mythologies (Kostera, 2008); glorifying past and/or future (Ybema, 2010); enforcing control and resistance (Wilkins, 1983); contributing to the formation of identity (Bamberg, 2010); managing (Brown, 2003) and disseminating knowledge (Campbell, 1972); facilitating the unmanaged spaces (Gabriel, 1995).



Izak, Michal (PhD) – email:

Anderson, David – email:

Hitchin, Linda (PhD) – email:


For more info see