5th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, 2012, Toulouse, France
23-25 July, 2012, Toulouse Business School
Conference theme: country and comparative perspectives on equality, diversity and inclusion
The 5th EDI conference will be held in Toulouse, Southwest France, 23-25 July 2012. It will provide an exciting forum for encounters and publication projects in a stimulating intellectual, cultural and historical environment.A wide range of streams is being welcome about all types of research questions and strands of diversity. However, regardless the area and research question of the stream, at paper submission stages, authors of empirical papers will be invited to provide a section albeit brief, about the country or countries of data collection. Transnational streams and papers involving multiple countries will be welcome to this conference. However the indications above should not be seen as limitative in terms of stream themes and approaches.
There will be a doctoral workshop under the supervision of Professor Judith Pringle and Annie Cornet.
The 2012 edition also welcomes pre-conference workshops to be held July 23.
Publication partnerships of EDI 2012 Toulouse conference
Associated to this conference are British Journal of Management, Cross-Cultural Management : an International Journal ; Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: an International Journal, European Journal of International Management and the European Journal of Industrial Relations. Pre selected best papers of the conference will be submitted to these journals who will process them according to their usual standards.Relevant papers will be eligible to be included in the second edition of the International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work (to be published in 2013 with Edward Elgar), under the chief-editorship of Alain Klarsfeld. Stream organizers alongside participants to their stream may also want to write a summary comparative paper which might then qualify for this book project. See call http://www.viadeo.com/fr/event/006gnzvl84zvhv0/diversity-and-equality-international-research-project
Stream organizers are also advised that the book series Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Work (Book series by Emerald) headed by Professor Mustafa Özbilgin is associated to the conference and relevant stream proposals will be eligible for this book series subject to acceptance decision by professor Özbilgin who will attend the conference.
Info: http://www.edi-conference.org/
At the EDI-conference, researcher Hannah Vermaut will present her paper titled 'Diversity Management Practices and Ethnic Minorities’ Well-Being: An Explorative Study'.