Thursday, 5 December 2013

Equal is not Enough Conference Antwerp 4-6 Feb 2015

Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to invite you to the international conference 'Equal is not Enough: Exploring novel theoretical and empirical approaches to study the shaping of (in)equalities' organised by the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies (PRCEP).


The PRCEP organised its first 'Equal is not Enough' conference in 2006, and then again in 2010. The third edition of this conference will take place in Antwerp (Belgium) from 4 till 6 February, 2015.

'Equal is not Enough' conferences aim to generate a better understanding of contemporary inequalities by mobilising multi-disciplinary insights. This edition looks into the causes, consequences and the dynamics of inequality along socio-demographic lines in contemporary societies, and further examines the policies to combat it. It addresses grounds of inequality such as gender, gender identity and gender expression, ethnicity, sexual preference, disability, class, age, and educational background as well as their intersections. The conference is designed to stimulate fresh impulses and cross disciplinary interactions.

We now welcome paper and panel proposals. Proposals should reach us by the 1st of April, 2014, the latest. We invite you to submit your proposals online, via the 'Equal is not Enough' submission form.


The conference is organised in four thematic sections:

Section 1: The relation between law and social policy

Section 2: (Re)shaping (in)equalities in and through politics and policies

Section 3: Diversity and (in)equality in work and organisations

Section 4: Equality, policy and the life course

Key note speeches will be given by:

Professor Sylvia Walby (Lancaster University)

Professor Jeff Hearn (University of Huddersfield, Hanken School of Economics, and Örebro University)

Professor Dagmar Schiek (University of Leeds)


Further information on the conference theme, the keynote lectures, and how to submit proposals to the conference may be found in attachment. We also invite you to visit the 'Equal is not Enough' website.

For more information on the conference, please contact Dr. Eline Severs.


Feel free to circulate this invitation to your interested peers and professional networks.


We look forward to welcoming you.


Best regards,


Dr. Eline Severs, scientific coordinator of the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies.

Professor Petra Meier, lead promoter of the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies.


On behalf of the organising committee:

Prof. Dr. Daniël Cuypers                      Prof. Dr. Patrizia Zanoni          

Prof. Dr. Petra Meier                           Prof. Dr. Koen Van Laer

Prof. Dr. Dimitri Mortelmans                Dr. Joz Motmans

Prof. Dr. Guy T'Sjoen                          Dr. Jogchum Vrielink

Prof. Dr. Alison E. Woodward               Dr. Eline Severs, the conference coordinator


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