Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Call for papers Unruly Bodies SOPHIA


Nieuwsbrief april 2015 + call for papers Unruly Bodies

De deadline voor het Sophia colloquium Unruly Bodies. Gender \ Normen \ Verzet nadert met rasse schreden! Doe je onderzoek naar / maak je artistiek werk rond / doe je aan activisme met betrekking tot lichamen buiten de normen? Download dan hier de volledige call for papers/participation in het Nederlands, het Frans of het Engels en bezorg ons je voorstel voor 20 april 2015. Gelieve gebruik te maken van het onderstaande inschrijvingsformulier: 

- formulier NL (doc)
- formulaire FR (doc)
- form ENG (doc)

Nieuws over de Master Gender en Diversiteit. De inschrijvingen voor het academiejaar 2015-2016 zijn geopend. Ook zal er vanaf heden een éénjarig schakelprogramma georganiseerd worden. Meer info vind je in de opleidingsfiche. Wie nu al vragen heeft kan contact opnemen met Nella Van den Brandt Hendrikapetronella.vandenbrandt@ugent.be of met studiebegeleider Els Wille els.wille@ugent.be.


Unruly Bodies. Gender \ Normen \ Verzet


UF - Véronique Danneels - Visite guidée de l'exposition Body Talk
30/04/2015 Tentoonstelling

Genre et politique - Leticia Bendelac Gordon - Passé et présent du mouvement des femmes au Guatemala
29/04/2015 (Bruxelles) Reeks seminaries

Gevolgen van loopbaankeuzes v/m
 en de komende pensioenhervorming
28/04/2015 Studiedag

International Migration Politics and Policies in Europe and the U.S.: Gender and Class Perspectives
28/04/2015 - 29/04/2015 (Brussels) Colloquium

Salvatore D'Amore - Les attitudes des jeunes hétérosexuels vis à vis des couples et parents homos en Belgique, France et Italie
28/04/2015 (Liège) Lezing

Soutenance de thèse - Maria Martin de Almagro Iniesta: (Un)Globalizing civil society: When the boomerang rebounds. Transnational advocacy networks and women groups in post-conflict Burundi and Liberia
28/04/2015 Lezing

Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s) - Thomas Hendriks - 
Comment penser l'économie homo-érotique au Congo urbain? Réflexions ethnographiques sur la pénétration, l'ambiance et la réputation
27/04/2015 (Bruxelles) Workshop

Considering Women in the Early Modern Low Countries
24/04/2015 - 25/01/2015 (Antwerp) Congres

SWIP Symposium met Helen De Cruz
24/04/2015 (Antwerpen) Congres

Doctoral School of Behavioral Sciences and Humanities - Seminar on gender and work-life balance
23/04/2015 Seminarie

UF - Femmes nordiques. Politiques féministes et sociales dans les pays du Nord
22/04/2015 - 23/04/2015 Colloquium

Séminaire Sextant - Anne Morelli - Le code méditerranéen de l'honneur, base des trois religions du livre
21/04/2015 (Bruxelles) Reeks seminaries


Call for papers

Women in European Politics
Deadline: 15/04/2015

Sextant - Françoise Collin: Le fabuleux héritage
Deadline: 17/04/2015

Digital Queers
Deadline: 17/04/2015

Birth control and the medical and paramedical bodies: a gender approach for the 19th and 20th 
Deadline: 20/04/2015

Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural Change
Deadline: 20/04/2015

Essays on Technology
Deadline: 30/04/2015

European geographies of sexualities conference
Deadline: 30/04/2015

Women, Violence, and Resistance
Deadline: 30/04/2015

Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal - Adrienne Rich
Deadline: 30/04/2015

"Ordinary" women in Europe during the First World War
Deadline: 15/05/2015

L'enseignement supérieur à l'épreuve du néolibéralisme
Deadline: 15/05/2015

Penser l'émancipation - Quelle convergence des luttes face à l'approfondissement de la crise?
Deadline: 17/05/2015

Transforming the Male Body: Etched and Engraved Arms, Armour and Personal Objects in Early Modern Europe
Deadline: 29/05/2015

Journal of Levantine Studies - Special Issue on Gender, Citizenship, and Immigration: A Comparative Perspective on the Mediterranean
Deadline: 31/05/2015

Migrant-e-s par le mariage: enjeux et perspectives
Deadline: 01/06/2015

Feral Feminisms - Untimely Bodies: Futurity, Resistance, and Non-Normative Embodiment
Deadline: 05/06/2015

Bleeding love - Raising Awareness on Domestic and Dating Violence Against Lesbians and Transwomen in the European Union
Deadline: 15/06/2015

Violence, Representations and Sexuality
Deadline: 15/06/2015


Crépuscules de l'intime
Deadline: 15/04/2015

Newcastle University - School of Geography, Politics & Sociology - Lecturer in the Politics of Gender
Deadline: 16/04/2015

University of Edinburgh - School Of Social and Political Science - Lecturer in Social and Political Science (Gender)
Deadline: 16/04/2015

Centre en Etudes Genre LIEGE (Suisse) - Chercheuse-r FNS senior en sociologie ou sciences sociales
Deadline: 01/05/2015


Integrating Gender Equality into Research Performing Organisations RPO and university. Research, Practices and setting of on-line Tool on Gender Equality Plans
Deadline: 07/05/2015


Deadline: 30/07/2015

Master (recherche) en "Genre et changement social et politique, perspectives transnationales"
Deadline: 10/09/2015

Call for participation

Summer school - Gender Equality and Quality of Life. Policy-making in times of new gender regimes
Deadline: 30/04/2015

Christina Research Seminar
Deadline: 12/05/2015

PhD Course - Classical and modern debate on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods from a gender perspective
Deadline: 13/05/2015

1st Radboud Summer school on gender - Gender: A Core Concept in Society and Science
Deadline: 15/06/2015


Journal of Social Philosphy - Issue on Miscarriage
Deadline: 30/05/2015

Summaries of a few new studies on gender bias
Deadline: 08/07/2015


Sophia vzw/asbl - Belgisch netwerk voor genderstudies / Réseau belge des études de genre - Middaglijnstraat 10 - Brussel 1210 - tel: 02 229 38 69 - info@sophia.be - www.sophia.be

This email was sent to patrizia.zanoni@uhasselt.be. If you are no longer interested you can unsubscribe instantly.

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